"Is this supposed to be part of my job?"

Which product should we select?/Is that model number still available?/Does the product have CAD diagrams?/Is product documentation available?/What's the part number?

We handle all this and more.

Product selection sites constructed with ease!Information and materials at your fingertips!

Product information provision with this alone

Free yourself from tiresome

back and

ERAVIDAS is a package service for
selection site construction.
The system handles product information
provision to clients,
reducing the workload
on sales personnel.

Rookie sales:eravi-chan

For example,
are you struggling
anything like this?

  • Episode 01

    Too many client inquiries about what products are handled

  • Episode 02

    Too many inquiries about part numbers and product selection

  • Episode 03

    Too many requests for documents and drawings

  • Episode 04

    Products being discontinued before you know it

  • Episode 05

    Unable to explain products effectively

  • Episode 06

    Too many products not listed in the catalog

  • Episode 07

    Product information scattered around the company

  • Episode 08

    Sluggish e-commerce sales

  • These are all issues for the company as a whole.


Solution 01

ERAVIDAS can display lists of your company's available products by category.


The category arrangement displays products clearly, viewable as images.
The display can also be switched to view them in lists, in order of price and so on.

Solution 02

ERAVIDAS easily identifies model numbers through product names, filtering products from specs.


Products can be selected in multiple ways, setting for keyword search, model number search, category search and so on as desired.
Input the product conditions to display only the applicable products.

Solution 03

ERAVIDAS enables downloading at will of materials registered by clients.


Materials such as documents, CAD data, PDFs etc., registered by product, can be downloaded by the user.

Solution 04

ERAVIDAS enables easy updating to the latest information with Excel.

Update and change information yourself from the management screen.
No system knowledge required: operation is easy if you can handle Excel, rendering outside contracting unnecessary.
The newest information can be consistently reflected.

Solution 05

ERAVIDAS can provide the information you need while you talk with the client.

Because all product-related information is covered on ERAVIDAS,
you can search for the information touched on in client questions and provide the answers on the spot.

Solution 06

ERAVIDAS can register approximately 100,000 products.

ERAVIDAS enables easy registration, using Excel, of numerous product groups, including those not listed in the catalog.
Along with covering all product information, this means that information can be rapidly and easily updated.

Solution 07

ERAVIDAS can aggregate product information.

Information on your company's products, including drawings and images, is aggregated within ERAVIDAS.
Previously scattered information is subject to unified management, enabling anyone to access the latest information easily.

Solution 08

ERAVIDAS supports your clients' product selection and model number identification,
guiding them smoothly to the point of purchase.

ERAVIDAS provides clients with support for product selection and model number identification,
promoting a seamless purchasing experience.

ERAVIDAS is there when you need it


ERAVIDAS replaces
some of the tasks that sales representatives are responsible for.

Reduce the workload devoted to inquiry reception, response,

and preparation with ERAVIDAS' plentiful functions.

Free yourself from tiresome back
and forths with clients!

ERAVIDAS can do it.

ERAVIDAS is equipped as standard with plentiful
enabling clients to view and select products
and obtain
the needed materials and data.


01 Catalog function covering
all your own products

The category arrangement displays products clearly, viewable as a list. Approximately 100,000 products can be made available for display.

Catalog function

The display toggle at the top right enables catalog-style display and list display. Products can also be displayed in various orders such as price or part number, keeping them clear and easy to find even when displayed in large numbers.

Image display

image display

List display

list display

02 Diverse search functions
enabling easy product selection

Search functions are equipped for smooth product selection, including keyword search, model number search, category search, and so on.

search function

Search function

ERAVIDAS has search functions which allow products to be selected in various ways. These functions can be combined by entering specific keywords, model numbers or categories, rapidly arriving at the products suiting your needs and conditions.

By setting the input items required for the search to suit their own products' properties, users can rapidly access the required information.

03 Material distribution function
which can be managed at the product level

Clients can download catalog PDFs or CAD data for products from the selection results screen.

distribution function

Distribution function

ERAVIDAS can be set to enable users to download registered material at the product level.

In the example above, the Basic and Design user's manuals have been registered, enabling downloading documents and CAD data to a computer by clicking.

ERAVIDAS System configuration


ERAVIDAS is a system service that runs
on AWS (Amazon Web Service).
Product information is registered to ERAVIDAS
from a master in Excel format.
Contents such as product images and PDFs
are registered on AWS (Amazon Web Service).
Linkage with external sites is realized by setting ERAVIDAS links.

system configuration

Process through introduction

ERAVIDAS is a package service, meaning that condition definition and system development are unnecessary.
Operation can begin in as little as two months from signing a contract.



First, inquire with us.

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Along with introducing you to ERAVIDAS, we propose the optimal plan.

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Environment construction

When you place your order, we construct the AWS environment required to run ERAVIDAS.

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Data registration

Product information is registered to ERAVIDAS from a dedicated master.

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Operation start


Q.1 What makes ERAVIDAS different and better?

ERAVIDAS is the only package system for product selection site construction.

ERAVIDAS has the following strong points.

(1) Product search function

Even users with minimal product knowledge or product selection experience can easily identify the target products as long as they know the conditions required.

(2) No system development required

The product selection site can be started up simply by registering the product information master.
No IT knowledge or time-consuming condition definition is required.

(3) Low price

Compared with the typical scratch development method, construction can be accomplished at 1/3 of the cost.

Q.2 Can we update the product information and data ourselves?

Product information and data can be updated at your convenience.

ERAVIDAS is updated entirely through Excel.
Anyone who can handle Excel can complete the update process without needing our help.

Q.3 Is support available for product information creation?

We can provide support for product information creation.

A dedicated master is required to register information in ERAVIDAS.
When creation on your side is difficult, our dedicated staff, who have extensive experience, will provide support.

Q.4 Can it be used overseas?

As of now, it is available for use everywhere but in China.

We are currently running verification regarding China.
For the details of use overseas, inquire with us.

Q.5 Can it run on our own servers?

No, it is not available.

ERAVIDAS is a system that runs on AWS (Amazon Web Service). The current specifications do not permit operation on customer servers.

ERAVIDAS reduces staff workload during sales activities, handling the inquiries concentrated on individual personnel and the time required for product selection consultations and materials provisions. Clients can enter the products and product information they need themselves.
ERAVIDAS is a package service, meaning that condition definition and system development procedures are unnecessary. As well, product information changes and updates after introduction are likewise easy, meaning that a full-scale product selection site can be constructed at low cost.

ERAVIDAS resolves your day-to-day sales struggles!